Sunday 4 December 2011


This blog was created according to the Book of Journey to the Underworld, in Chinese "Di Yu You Ji", was originally issued in the chinese language and was the result of the Deity JiGong bringing the soul of Mr.YangSheng, a leading planchette handler of Sheng Xian Tang, Taiwan, to visit Hades on instruction of the Jade Emporer (Yu Huang Da Tian Zhun). The Jade Edict was issued on the 15th Day in 8th moon (8th September, 1976) with the express intention of helping and saving human beings.

The visits were completed in 62 journeys, the first being made on the 16th day of the 8th moon (9th September, 1976) and the last on the 26th day of the 8th moon (30th Jul, 1978).

The details and conversations of each Journey were written in Chinese characterers on the planchette board during each planchette session held in Sheng Xian Tang - the words were read aloud and recorded on paper for compilation - a very tedious and time-consuming process. The visits were generally made at night time.

Because this is not a story where the chapters must be read in sequence, each journey is completed in itself, not interconnected ; therefore narratives of the journey can be read in any order.

The origin of the book Journey to the Underworld was translated by Mr.Lee Teik Chong (Li DeZhong) in 1982. The translation was completed in May 1985 by Mr. Tan Eng Teik (Chen YinDe), lecturer at the Chinese Studies Department, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, edited the English translation twice. We wish to thank both of them for their excellent work.

As myself is reading the book, I intended to transfer the contents into this blog and share to as many people who did not have the book and to let all of us know about the underworld and to understand what happen to one's soul after death. If a percentage of readers can realise that it pays to do more goods deeds when still alive, then the humble attempt of the book and this blog is achieved.

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